Friday, July 28, 2017

Location, Location, Location

       Wycliffe members can continue their education regardless of their location.  Online courses offer flexibility for missionaries on the field, traveling, or on furlough.

A tenant of missionary life is constant mobility.  Individuals and families are constantly on the move.  Within our home countries we travel for visits, speaking engagements, and meetings.  In overseas assignments, there’s constant travel to and from village allocations, to and from conferences, and language school.  Traveling can involve walking on foot, riding in the back of open trucks, or crowded buses. 

Working with an organization like Wycliffe involves studying, training, and continuing education.  Why?  Because work that involves linguistics, anthropology, and education/literacy is highly specialized and constantly evolving.  Research is done, new methods are tested, and new technology is integrated.  

Continuing education, studying, or training can involve studying on the campus of GIAL in Dallas, TX (or another academic setting).  This means dedicating up to two years to exclusive study.  Online learning gives missionaries the option of doing their coursework wherever they are.  Online learning offers flexibility for busy missionaries and their families.

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