Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year De-Cluttering

I wanted to share some suggestions for de-cluttering to start 2015 out right. As you  know, de-cluttering is process and the process of moving extra stuff often allows us to clear our minds. 

My Mom recommends getting a laundry basket. Start in one room and collect the items that don’t belong in that room. Go to the next room.  Put away the items that belong there and collect items that don’t belong. Continue around your house until you’ve done all the rooms. 

Things to do:
1.       Update your family medical information
2.       Update your family emergency contact list.
3.       Gathering up documents that you’ll  need to do taxes

1.       Check the expiration dates on spices and make a list of spices to replace.
2.       Do you have condiments (salad dressing, ketch-up, etc.) lingering in your fridge? Check the expiration dates and discard the ones past their prime. Make a list of condiments to replace.
3.       Look in the freezer. Make a list of food items and plan meals.
4.       Look in the cabinets. Discard food that are expired. Make a list of food items and plan meals.
5.       Replace staples that are running low (flour, sugar, salt, etc.)
6.       Check your cleaning products. Make a list of products to replace. Make sure cleaning products are out of reach of children.
7.       Discard or recycle broken dishes, odd lids and containers

1.       Check the elastic on your sheets. Get elastic clips to keep the corners around the edge of the mattress if you need to.
2.       Wash blankets if you need to.
3.       Do you need to replace your pillows?

Closet & Closet
1.       Ladies – put your old panty hose to use in other ways.
2.       Match as many random socks that you can, put the “orphans” to use for cleaning and dusting.
3.       Toss old undies.  Replace the ones that you need.
4.       Put anything that needs to be mended in a bag.  Sometime this week get out a sewing kit and make repairs and replace lost buttons. If sewing isn’t your thing you can take your items to a tailor.
5.       Go through your closet and pull out clothing items that you haven’t worn in the past few years. Donate or repurpose them. At this point, just get out things that “aren’t you.”
6.       Tidy the items that are on hangers.
7.       Collect scarves, belts, and other accessories in one place.
8.       Collect jewelry items in one place. Make repairs to jewelry if you’re able. Use broken or mismatched jewelry for repurposing or crafts.

Notes – There are different systems for de-cluttering and organizing your closet. Use a system that works for you.

Don’t feel compelled to hold onto the weird jacket your mother-in-law gave you for Christmas. Write a thank-you note and quietly send it on to a new home.

1.       Use up the shampoo and conditioner that’s lingering in bottles. You can use it to fill travel size toiletry containers.
2.       Donate lotions, body washes, and other toiletries that aren’t your scent.
3.       Replace family toothbrushes
4.       Check the medicine cabinet. Gather medications that you don’t need anymore. Many pharmacies will dispose of medications for you.
5.       Restock your family first aid kit with band aids and pain relievers.

Living Room
1.       Return DVDs and CDs to their cases.
2.       Check under the sofa for lost items.
3.       Wash throw blankets

1.       Wash pet blankets and bedding
2.       Discard toys that are broken

1.       Return items that you borrowed from family members (dishes, clothing, DVDs, books)
2.       Donate or recycle your old cell phone
3.       Discard expired coupons
4.       Send in rebate forms
5.       Collect all your change in one container. Take it to the bank.

The New Year is a great time to get a fresh start! Once you get started cleaning and de-cluttering, you'll feel motivated to continue. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. These are real action plans! I love your moms idea about taking a basket from room to room.