Tuesday, March 22, 2011

God Sized Vision

I want to share some inspiration with y'all. A vision. A God sized vision.

The Choctaws are unique among Native American tribes because their language is still spoken in homes, churches, schools and in the work place. I consider it a privilege to be part of this community. I hear Choctaw spoken when I am shopping at the grocery store! According to Miko (Chief) Beasley Denson, 85% of tribal members speak Choctaw as their first language! That means that the Choctaw language touches hearts in a way that the English language doesn't.

As an Arts Intern, I understand how the Arts (storytelling, drama, visual arts, music and dance) allows people to connect with others. In their own culture, but also with people from other cultures. Arts are a cultural universal! Christian artists are in a unique position to be catalysts for change.

I don't know about you, but I want to be part of what God is doing. I want to be part of something big! I've been praying about a God sized vision. Jesus tells us to pray that "His kingdom will come and His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." Wouldn't it be wonderful if God's kingdom came to the Mississippi Band of the Choctaw Indians?

I want to be part of something so big that only God can be given glory for it. He is faithful!

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